Retirement Roadblocks Survey 2024

How employers can help full-time workers navigate economic pressures

The Retirement Roadblocks Survey 2024 highlights how economic pressures are pushing full-time workers to focus on short-term financial issues rather than long-term retirement savings, and what employers like you can do to help bridge the retirement gap.

Key Takeaways

  • The majority of full-time American workers express regrets about their retirement investment decisions.

  • Employers have a strong influence on their employee’s retirement investment decisions.

  • When employers offer education around financial wellness, employees are more likely to enroll in their employer-sponsored plan.

Short-term financial concerns are causing workers to delay investment into retirement savings

Many full-time workers are prioritizing short-term financial concerns over retirement savings.

Our survey found that 41% of Americans expect to retire later due to recent financial circumstances. Many respondents wished they could start saving earlier for retirement.1

Well-designed retirement plans and financial education can help impact employee retirement savings

Employers can positively influence employee retirement savings habits by offering well-designed retirement plans and providing access to financial education. 

With no financial education, only 76% of employees enrolled in their retirement plans. In contrast, 91% of employees that had access to general financial wellness education enrolled in their employer-sponsored retirement plan.


The research was conducted by Censuswide with 1,041 full-time (non-self-employed) American workers between July 8, 2024, and July 10, 2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles and are members of The British Polling Council.

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 Inverse of “I do not plan to continue working”.