QuickBooks Online 401(k) Payroll Integration
Power your 401(k) with QuickBooks Online.
We provide affordable, full-service, automated retirement benefit plans for QuickBooks Online users.

"G2’s “Highest Rated 401(k) Software” list ranking as of 2/20/25. Ratings are based on the product’s satisfaction score, which is based on user testimonials. Of the 23 listed 401(k) products, 6 qualified. Human Interest’s overall G2 score is 4.3 out of 5, as of 2/20/25. Ratings fluctuate in real-time. See G2.com for most recent rating. Human Interest solicited some clients for G2 reviews in exchange for nominal non-cash compensation. Active solicitation and non-cash compensation could make a customer more likely to portray Human Interest favorably. Testimonials may not be representative of the experience of others and past success does not guarantee future results. From 5/25/22-12/31/22, Human Interest offered gift card incentives for customer G2 reviews, including a higher nominal value for non-anonymous reviews. Please see G2.com for a complete list and read our full disclosures here.